Because I am not medically trained and because I am averse to the prospect of being sued for giving advice (medical or otherwise), I am stating emphatically that everything written here (this website including all related pages) is nothing more than my personal opinion and experience. If you are interested in reading about that experience, I invite you to continue reading. If you want a medical opinion or advice, you should contact a medical professional. If something I write seems to be advice, you should re-read this paragraph and understand that I am only using literary license to convey my experiences and opinions. I offer you NO ADVICE and I do not recommend to anyone that they should subscribe to any treatment for any condition without proper medical advice, EVEN IF I TELL YOU THAT I AVOID SOME MEDICAL ADVICE OR TREATMENT FOR MYSELF. I take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for my health. You should take personal responsibility for your health (not my advice - just my opinion). It is up to you to decide if medical professionals and the medical industry, the food industry and others act in your best interest or not. It is up to you to decide, if after reading my experiences, how and whether to address any health issues including those related to your vision. Please, let me