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Suggested reading

AAVV - Bibliography of near lenses & vision training research. Optometric Extension Program. 1998.

Abel, Robert - The eye care revolution. Prevent and reverse common vision problems. Kensington Publishing. 1999.

Baker, Douglas - Anatomia esoterica. Edizioni Crisalide. 1976. (Cap: L'occhio).

Barnes, Jonathan - Migliorare la vista. Pan. 1992.

Benjamin, Harry - Miglior vista senza occhiali. Astrolabio. 1972.

Bates, H - Il metodo Bates per vedere bene senza occhiali. Astrolabio. 1989.

Blary, Jacqueline - Rosemberg, Sylvie - Schermo senza stress. Musumeci Editore. 1992.

Cohen, Yves - La dieta per gli occhi. Ipsa Editore. 1988.

Brown, Otis S. - How to avoid nearsightedness - A scientific study of the eye's behavior. C & O Research. Third printing 1999.

Craia, Vittorio - Il blocco oculare energetico. Nuova Ipsa Editore. 1991.

Curtin, B. J. (1985) The Myopia. Basic Science and Clinical Management. Harper & Row.

De Angelis, David - Power-Flex - Super Flessibilità e Forza per la peak performance. Sandro Ciccarelli Editore. 2002.

Friedberg Fred, McKay, Mattew - Do-It-Yourself Eye Movement Techniques for Emotional Healing. New Harbinger Pubns 2001

Goodrich, Janet - Natural vision improvement. Ten Speed Pr. 1998.

Kaplan, Robert Michael - The power behind your eyes. Healing art press. Rochester , Vermont. 1995.

Lattuada, Pier Luigi - Vedere meglio. MEB. 1988

Liberman, Jacob - Take Off Your Glasses and See: A Mind/Body Approach to Expanding Your Eyesight and Insight

Lowen, Alexander - Bioenergetica. Feltrinelli. 1983

Lowen, Alexander - Espansione e integrazione del corpo in bioenergetica - Astrolabio - 1979.

Lowen, Alexander - Stress e malattia. Stampa natura e solidarietà. Istituto di psicologia somatica e analisi bioenergetica. 2001.

Markert, Christopher - Vedere bene senza occhiali. Edizioni r.e.d./studio redazionale. 1989.

Hughes, Barbara - Vedere meglio. Armenia Editore. 1988.

Mugnai, Alessandro - Miopia: che fare? Tecniche nuove. 1999.

Huxley, A - L'arte di vedere. Adelphi. 1991.

Ong, E. and Ciuffreda, K. J. - Accomodation, Nearwork and myopia. Optometric extension Program. 1997.

Paliaga, Gian Paolo - I vizi di refrazione. Edizioni Minerva Medica. III edizione 1995.

Pancheri, Paolo - Stress emozioni malattia. Edizioni scientifiche e tecniche Mondadori. Quinta edizione: settembre 1993.

Passebec, A.J. - La salute dei vostri occhi. Musumeci Editore. 1988.

Quackenbush, Thomas R. - Relearning to see: improve your eyesight - Naturally! North Atlantic Books. 2000

Quackenbush, Thomas R. - Better Eyesight. The Complete Magazines of William H. Bates. North Atlantic Books. 2001.

Rosenfield, Mark & Gilmartin, Bernard - Myopia & nearwork. Butterworth Heinemann. 1998.

Rossetti, Anto - Manuale di optometria e contattologia. Zanichelli. 1997

Rosembauer, Wolfgang. Better vision naturally. Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. New York. 1998.

Rottè, Joanna. Yamamoto, Koji - Vedere bene. Mediterranee. 1989

Roy, Marilyn - Eyerobics. Sperling & Kupfer Editori. 2000.

Santagostino, Paola - Vedere meglio senza occhiali. De Vecchi Editore. 1985.

Schneider, Meir - Meir Schneider's miracle eyesight method the natural way to heal and improve your vision.

Scholl, Lisette - Guardiamoci negli occhi. SugarCo. 1980

Severson, Brian - Vision Freedom. Revision n.27, 1998. originariamente e non più disponibile sul sito

Shaftesbury, Edmund - Istantaneous personal magnetism. Kessinger Publishing
LLC. 1926 (III Department of the magnetic eye)

Shapiro, Francine – EMDR. Desensibilizzazione e rielaborazione attraverso i movimenti oculari; McGraw-Hill Libri Italia. 2000

Shultz-Zehden, Wolfgang - Vedere - Red edizioni. 1994

Sussman, Martin - The program for better vision. North Atlantic Books. Berkeley, California. 1998.

Totton Nick. Edmondson - Terapia reichiana. Red edizioni. 1999.

Zencovich, Antonio - Anche un miope può guarire. Nuova Ipsa Editore. 1994.


Beatty, J. and Wagoner, B. L. (1978) Pupillometric signs of brain activation vary with level of cognitive processing. Science 199, 1216-1218.

Beresford Steven D. - Muris, David W. - Allen, Merril J. - Young, Francis A. - Improve your vision without glasses or contact lenses. Fireside - Simon & Shuster. 1996

Birnbaum, M.H. (1984) Nearpoint visual stress: a physiological model. J. Am. Optom. Assoc. 55, 825-835.

Birnbaum, M.H. (1985) Nearpoint visual stress: clinical implication. J. Am. Optom. Assoc. 56, 480-490.

Birnbaum, M.H. (1993) Optometric Management of Nearpoint Vision Disorders. Butterworth-Heinemann.

Birnbaum, M.H. Myopia and near-point stress model. In Myopia & Nearwork 1988, pag.169

Cannon, W.B. (1929) Bodily Changes in Pain, Hunger, Fear and Rage. An Account of Recent Researches into the Function of Emotional Excitement. Appleton.

Catania, A. (1964) On the visual acuity of the pigeon. J. Exp. Anal. Behav. 7, 361-366.

Ehrlinch, D. L. - Near vision stress: vergence adaptation and accomodative fatigue. Ophthal. Physiol. Opt. 7, 353-357. 1987.

Fitzke, F.W., Hayes, B.P., Hodos, W. and Holden, A.L. (1985) Refractive sectors in the visual field of the pigeon eye. J. Physiol. (Lond.) 369, 33-44.

Gottlieb, R. L. (1982) Neuropsychology of myopia. J. Optom. Vis. Dev. 13, 3-27.

Grosvenor, Theodore - Goss, David A. - Clinical Management of Myopia. Butterworth Heinemann. 1999.

Hess, E. H. and Polt, J. M. (1964) Pupil size in relation to mental activity during simple problem-solving. Science 143, 1190-1192.

Holt W. R., Caruso J. L., Riley J. B. (1978) - Trascendental Meditation versus pseudo-meditation on visual choice reaction time. Perceptual and Motor Skills, n. 46, p.726.

Hung L-F, Crawford MLJ, Smith EL (1995) Spectacle lense alter eye growth and the refractive status of young monkeys. Nature Medicine; 1:761-765.

Irving, E. L., Callender, M.G. and Sivak, J.G. (1991) Inducing myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism in chicks. Opt. Vis. Sci. 68, 364-368.

Irving, E. L., Sivak, J.G. and Callender, M.G. (1992) Refractive plasticity of the developing chick eye. Ophthal. Physiol. Opt. 12, 448-456.

Kahnemann, D. (1973) – Attention and Effort Prentice-Hall, pp. 1-49.

Libby, W. L., Lacey, B. C. and Lacey, J. I. (1973) Pupillary and cardiac activity during visual attention. Psychophysiology 10, 270-294.

McBrien, N.A. and Norton, T.T. (1992) The development of experimental myopia and ocular component dimensions in monocularly lid-sutured tree-shrews. (Tupaia belangeri). Vision Res. 32, 843-852.

McFadden S. And Wallman, J. (1995) Guinea pig eye growth compensates for spectacle lenses. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 36 (ARVO Suppl.), S758.

Medina, A. - (1987) A model for emmetropization: The effects of correcting lenses. Acta Ophthalmol. 65, 565-571.

Medina, A. and Fariza, E. (1993) Emmetropization as a first-order feedback system. Vision Res. 33, 21-26.

Miles, F.A., and Wallman, J. (1990) Local ocular compensation for imposed local refractive error. Vision Res. 30, 339-349.

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Nye, P.W. (1973) On the functional differences between frontal and lateral visual fields of the pigeons. Vision Res. 13, 559-574.

Norton, T. (1990) Experimental myopia in tree shrews. In: Myopia and the Control of the Eye Growth. Ciba Foundation Symposium 155 (F.R. Bock and K. Widdows, eds). Wiley, pp.178-199.

Oakley, K.H. and Young, F.A. (1975) Bifocal Control of myopia. Am. J. Optom. Physiol. Opt. 52, 758-764.
Ong, E. and Ciuffreda, K. J. (1995) Nearwork-induced transient myopia. A critical review. Doc. Ophtalmol. 91, 57-85.

Pribram, K. and McGuinness, D. (1975) Arousal, activation and effort in the control of attention. Psychol. Rev. 82, 116-149.

Raviola, E. and Wiesel, T.N. (1985) An animal model of myopia. N. Engl. J. Med 312, 1609-1615.

Roberts, W. and Banford, R. (1967) Evaluation of bifocal correction of juvenile myopia.
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Rosenfield, M., Ciuffreda, K. J. and Novogrodsky, L. (1992) Contribution of accomodation and disparity-vergence to transient nearwork-induced myopic shifts. Ophthal. Physiol. Opt. 12, 433-436.

Selye, H. (1956) – The Stress of Life. McGraw-Hill

Shaeffel, F., Glasser, A., and Howland, H.C. (1988) Accomodation, refractive error and eye growth in chickens. Vis. Res. 28, 639-657.

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Siegwart, J.T. and Norton, T.T. (1993) Refractive and ocular changes in tree shrews raised with plus or minus lenses. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 34 (ARVO Suppl.), 1208.

Skeffington, A.M., (1928-1974) Optometric Extension Program Continuing Education Courses. Optometric Extension Program Foundation.

Smith III, Earl L. - Environmentally induced refractive errors in animals. In Myopia & nearwork - pag. 73. Butterworth Heinemann. 1998.

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